Active Methodologies

This course is designed to help learners understand the significance of using active methodologies to increase productivity in the classroom. It also aims to provide guidelines for development of an active strategy, along with providing a platform on which learners can share their ideas and critique each other’s work. Click here for a short tutorial that aims to facilitate access to the course for non-Portuguese speaking users.

Imagem do curso: Active Methodologies

Curso Aberto

Imagem do curso: Educação e Docência



Columbia University


Enap - Escola Nacional de Administração Pública

Carga Horária



30 dias



Público Alvo

Brazilian Civil servants. However, the course is open to all and anyone interested in the subject can enroll.

Conteúdo Programático
  • Module 1 - Active Methodologies: definition, background and significance
  • Module 2 - Implementation of Active Methodologies
  • Module 3 - The future plan of action
  • Module 4 - Final project

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Cursos Relacionados Educação e Docência: