Introduction to competency-based management

  • Curso Aberto

What do you know about Competency-Based Management? From the Brazilian experience, understand how the Competency-Based Management model can contribute to improve public service, helping the organization to achieve its strategic objectives. Click here for a short tutorial that aims to facilitate access to the course for non-Portuguese speaking users. This course is also available in portuguese version.

Imagem do curso: Introduction to competency-based management
Imagem do curso: Educação e Docência

Secretaria Especial da Receita Federal do Brasil
Enap - Escola Nacional de Administração Pública
Carga Horária:
60 dias
Público Alvo:
Preferably, civil servants who work in the public administration of BRICS member countries. However, the course is open to all and anyone interested in the subject can enroll.
Conteúdo Programático:
  • Module 1 - Personnel Management, Concepts, Definitions and Types
  • Module 2 - Systemic Process, Description of Competency and Case Study
  • Module 3 - Competency-based Management, Strategic Routes and Perspectives

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Temática: Educação e Docência