Instructional Design and Technology with Articulate Storyline 360

  • Curso Aberto

This course is designed to help learners understand the theoretical framework of instructional design, the theory, methods, practice of instructional design using video or storyboards, and the use of Articulate Storyline 360 as an e-Learning tool to create a completed instructional design product. Click here for a short tutorial that aims to facilitate access to the course for non-Portuguese speaking users.

Imagem do curso: Instructional Design and Technology with Articulate Storyline 360
Imagem do curso: Educação e Docência

Columbia University
Enap - Escola Nacional de Administração Pública
Carga Horária:
30 dias
Público Alvo:
Brazilian Civil servants. However, the course is open to all and anyone interested in the subject can enroll.
Conteúdo Programático:
  • Module 1 - The Theoretical Framework of Instructional Design and its principles
  • Module 2 - ADDIE Model and Instructional Design
  • Module 3 - Instructional Design Planning and Lesson Creation
  • Module 4 - How to Build a Lesson in Articulate Storyline 360
  • Module 5 - Project Creation in Articulate Storyline 360

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Este curso faz parte das seguintes Trilhas de aprendizagem:

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Temática: Educação e Docência