Scrum in the Context of the Public Sector

  • Curso Aberto

Based on the understanding that the Brazilian scenario and trends in other countries point to the permanent improvement in the use of new technologies to solve concrete problems that improve citizens' lives, the course aims to prepare public servants to the application of the Scrum framework in project management and execution of public actions.

Imagem do curso: Scrum in the Context of the Public Sector
Imagem do curso: Estratégia e Planejamento

Ministério da Fazenda
Enap - Escola Nacional de Administração Pública
Carga Horária:
30 dias
Público Alvo:
The Scrum in the Context of Public Service course is aimed at public servants who occupy management positions. Public servants of any sphere and power as well as citizens in general are authorized to take the course.
Conteúdo Programático:
  • Module 1: Scrum: what is it and what is it for?
  • Module 2: The roles in Scrums team.
  • Module 3: The Scrum flow.
  • Module 4: Applying Scrum in the Public Sector.

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Temática: Estratégia e Planejamento