Emotional Intelligence

  • Curso Aberto

Excellent emotional management is the possibility of human beings to self-manage their emotions and express them in a functional way to themselves and in society, which allows the construction of a growth mentality and, from this, acting in a productive and congruent way in their careers and personal lives. Are you interested in developing metacognition and emotional management skills? Sign up! Available in portuguese and spanish versions.

Imagem do curso: Emotional Intelligence
Imagem do curso: Desenvolvimento Pessoal

Enap - Escola Nacional de Administração Pública
Enap - Escola Nacional de Administração Pública
Carga Horária:
60 dias
Público Alvo:
Public agents who, in a leadership position, need to know and execute strategies to deal with personal and interpersonal emotions. Open course, anyone can apply.
Conteúdo Programático:
  • Module 1: Management of personal emotions;
  • Module 2: Managing emotions in interpersonal relationships;
  • Module 3: Positive work environment;
  • Module 4: Positive leadership.

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