Planning and Personal Organization in the Workplace

This course is designed to present tools, reflections and practices related to personal planning and organization at work. It will be helpful for enhancing security, well-being, and facilitated communication. Imagine mastering email, efficient work scheduling, and insightful task management. Come and find out what planning is, why you should plan and the advantages of personal and work planning.

Imagem do curso: Planning and Personal Organization in the Workplace

Curso Aberto

Imagem do curso: Desenvolvimento Pessoal



Receita Federal do Brasil


Enap - Escola Nacional de Administração Pública

Carga Horária



30 dias



Público Alvo

Public officials interested in the subject. Open course, free of charge and with a certificate, anyone can sign up.

Conteúdo Programático
Module 1: Initial concepts of planning and personal organization
Module 2: Am I organized?
Module 3: How to (re)start organizing
Module 4: Organizational tools in the workplace

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Cursos Relacionados Desenvolvimento Pessoal: