Administration of Government Cloud Services
- Curso Aberto
The course was developed by Enap, in partnership with the Secretary of Digital Government of the Ministry of Economy in 2019. It was developed with a focus on the necessity of capacitating servants of the Federal Executive Branch in attendance to the Capacity Building Program for Digital Transformation of the Federal Executive Branch (

- Conteudista:
- Ministério da Fazenda
- Certificador:
- Enap - Escola Nacional de Administração Pública
- Carga Horária:
- 30h
- Disponibilidade:
- 30 dias
- Idioma:
- Inglês
- Público Alvo:
- Public managers and/or IT Analysts. However, the course is open and anyone interested in the subject can enroll.
- Conteúdo Programático:
- Module 1: Cloud Computing Overview.
- Module 2: Basic Infrastructure Items.
- Module 3: Mechanisms of Cloud Information Security.
- Module 4: Technological Imprisonment (Lock-in).
- Module 5: Managing Cost
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Este curso faz parte das seguintes Trilhas de aprendizagem:
Saiba mais nas nossas Trilhas de Aprendizagem.
Temática: Governo e Transformação Digital