E-leadership: how to manage and lead teams in virtual environments
- Curso Aberto
The social challenges caused by the Covid-19 pandemic urged for a great process of change in companies, expanding the use of digital technologies. Online work and relations demanded the development of new skills, among them the ability to manage and lead teams in virtual environments. This course was created for you to develop this skill so important to the 21st-century professional.
- Conteudista:
- Enap - Escola Nacional de Administração Pública
- Certificador:
- Enap - Escola Nacional de Administração Pública
- Carga Horária:
- 20h
- Disponibilidade:
- 30 dias
- Idioma:
- Inglês
- Público Alvo:
- Government officials that work with or are interested in working as leaders that manage online teams. Open to any person who is interested in the theme.
- Conteúdo Programático:
- Module 1 - Self-knowledge.
- Module 2 - The relationship between leaders and led people.
- Module 3 - The relationship between leader and team.
- Module 4 - The relationship between leader and other teams.
- Module 5 - Best practices in e-leadership
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Temática: Gestão de Pessoas