Agile in the context of the Public Sector
- Curso Aberto
The course intends to show the Agile mentality in project management and the execution of public actions through the presentation of the movement, as well as its challenges and possibilities, in addition to addressing the importance of adopting Agile in the digital transformation in the context of public service.
- Conteudista:
- Ministério da Fazenda
- Certificador:
- Enap - Escola Nacional de Administração Pública
- Carga Horária:
- 15h
- Disponibilidade:
- 30 dias
- Idioma:
- Inglês
- Público Alvo:
- Public agents occupying management positions. Open course, anyone can apply.
- Conteúdo Programático:
- Module 1: Initial considerations about the Agile movement
- Module 2: Challenges and possibilities of the Agile movement
- Module 3: Final considerations of the Agile movement
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Temática: Gestão Pública